Getting started

Visual DB is dedicated to making your database easier to understand and access. Some features available in Visual DB include:

  • An easy to use query builder to access the information you want

  • Highly customizable data entry forms

  • Sheets, for entering and updating data stored in the database with the ease of use of spreadsheets

  • Interactive reports that bring data to life with a plethora of charts available

  • No code required!

Applications & Roles

After creating an account, you will need to create an application. An application is a workspace for organizing related forms, sheets and reports. If you are the owner of an application you can invite other Visual DB users. Depending on what the responsibilites of that user is, you can give them different roles. Different roles give different permissions to edit the application. Listed below are all of the roles and their permissions, going from lowest to highest:

  • User: A User can view, insert, update and delete records in existing sheets and forms.

  • Builder: A Builder has the permissions of User, but can also create new sheets and forms.

  • Database Admin: A Database Admin has the permissions of Builder, but can also create and delete database tables and columns, and can create typed-in SQL queries.

  • Owner: An Owner has the permissions of Database Admin, but can also add and remove Visual DB users and change user’s roles.

Once you have set up your application, you then need to set up a connection to a database.


Visual DB allows you to have the freedom to host your own database. You are not forced to use an integrated database to access the features of Visual DB. The connections tab is where you setup the use of your database in Visual DB. You can create connections to MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, and PostgreSQL. For a more in depth tutorial for setting up a connection, visit the connections page.

After creating a database connection, you can add or view your tables.


The database tab is where you can view tables. You can upload a table in this tab if there are tables you want to use that are not currently available. For example, you could upload a .csv file. For more information about the database tab, visit the database page.

After uploading and accessing the desired tables, you need to query those tables.


A query is a selection of records within a table or collection of tables. Visual DB provides the Query Builder to easily generate criteria for records you want to view, create, update or delete. For more instructions on making queries in Visual DB visit the queries page.

Once you have created a query, your options open up to your specific use case. The following sections can be visited in any order.


Forms lets you view individual records in a 2-dimensional layout. You can resize and rearrange fields, add data validation and change input types. Additionally, you can add logic to dynamically hide or disable fields based on values entered in other fields. To understand all of the options available for forms, visit the forms page.


Sheets allow you to enter and update database data through a spreadsheet-like interface, combining the ease of spreadsheets with the robustness of a relational database. For an in depth review of sheets, visit the sheets page.


Reports allow you to view data in either a tabular or chart format. Table reports support grouping, sorting and filtering. Charts display summarized data and enable interactive exploration through filtering and pivoting. A variety of chart types and display options are available. To learn more, go to the reports page.